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Do I Need a Whole House Water Filter?

Whether you use tap or well water, it likely has some level of contamination. Industrial and environmental sources of pollution can affect your water supply. Depending on your water quality, an under-sink filter might do, but house filtration systems are often the most economical considering their capacity, durability, and ability to remove a wide range of pollutants.

Are you wondering whether you could benefit from a whole house water filter? Here are some reasons to consider one:

Water Has Far Too Many Unwanted Substances

The chemicals used to treat and disinfect water can be harmful. Even worse, many of these can be released when water is heated. Along with the steam from your shower, you may be inhaling compounds like by-products from chlorine treatment, such as trihalomethanes and haloacetic acid. Other contaminants studies have found in drinking water include:

  • Organic Pathogens: These range from bacteria, viruses, and other microbes to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in paints, solvents, gasoline, household cleaners, and other sources.
  • Lead: Can leach from lead pipes and plumbing fixtures; it’s associated with adverse effects in children and adults. Other toxic metals include chromium, barium, and mercury.
  • Atrazine: In high concentrations, this pesticide can disrupt endocrine processes.
  • Nitrates: Are often used as fertilizer and are found in runoff from farms that can reach surface and groundwater sources.
  • Arsenic: Inorganic arsenic is a highly toxic groundwater contaminant; it can be present in crops irrigated and food prepared with contaminated water.
  • Vinyl Chloride: A cancer-causing contaminant that can leach from older plastic pipes into drinking water.
  • Radioactive Elements: Radioactive substances from natural decay in soil and rocks, and those from energy and pharmaceutical production, can enter water supplies.

How to Know You Need One

Water quality testing can determine the type of filter you need. For example, carbon-based filters are effective at removing chlorine, chloramines, and VOCs. Other systems are designed for more specific contaminants like iron, bacteria, sediment, fluoride, or minerals that can cause limescale. Other signs it may be time to install a whole house water filter include:

  • Tap water just doesn’t taste right, even though it may be safe to drink.
  • Clothes become rusty looking or dull and gray after a wash.
  • Soap scum covering sinks, showers, and tubs is hard to scrub off.
  • Your home was built before lead was banned as piping material.
  • You use well water susceptible to pesticide and other chemical contamination.

Types of Whole House Water Filters

Standard water cartridges treat contaminated water at its entry point. The filter is usually 4.5 inches in diameter and 10 or 20 inches high; you’ll need to replace it once a year. While more affordable, a standard capacity system requires more maintenance. Heavy-duty filtration systems, however, have media that can last for five to 10 years before replacement. The filter media is contained in a 50-inch tall tank; a larger size means the system is higher performing and can remove a wider range of contaminants.

Carbon filters come in advanced three-stage systems with a pre-filter for larger contaminants, a copper-zinc blend for chlorine and metals, and a carbon/activated carbon for organic compounds. Reverse osmosis systems are even more effective, but larger and pricier, while newer technologies are available that don’t create wastewater or remove beneficial minerals.

Ultimately, these systems prevent contaminants from reaching your home water supply, absorbing through your skin, or being inhaled. They can help prolong the life of pipes and appliances and eliminate hard water issues.

Contact Village Plumbing and Air for Water Filtration Options

Our licensed technicians are trained and equipped to provide water filtration services in Houston, TX. If you’re not sure whether you need a whole house water filter, we’ll test your water supply and recommend the best system for your home. Plus, our team handles the entire installation process, from cutting and soldering to attaching fittings and aligning the system. We also provide maintenance every six to 12 months. To schedule an assessment/installation or learn about our financing options, call 713-526-1491 today!

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